If you encounter problems with erection and libido, you should know what is good for potency men, what foods affect the body positively, what should be contained in the food. There is a long list of dishes of food ingredients that have a beneficial impact on male sexual activity. Among them you can choose plain vegetables, fruit, or more exotic components.
What is the potency
According to medical terminology, the potency is the body's ability to have intercourse. The definition is derived from the Latin potentia, which translates as opportunity, which is true of male sexuality. The term includes the features:
- the degree of tension of the penis;
- the speed of onset of erection;
- the duration of the sexual act and phase of the active current.
What is good for potency
Problems with libido cause psychological and physical factors. Yes, the last attribute the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, violation of the prostate, prostatitis, decreased production of the hormone testosterone. For the normalization of these processes is important to observe the following rules:
- to give the body a physical activity – it makes the heart work better, increases vitality, normalizes blood circulation;
- start sports: running, Biking, walking, weight training;
- visit bath – it eliminates toxins, improves blood circulation;
- to do a foot massage – you can massage yourself or simple to walk barefoot;
- to take a cold bath or shower;
- lead regular sexual life, which becomes the guarantee for the prevention of erection problems;
- hell to give up junk food, alcohol, large quantities of coffee, drugs-antispasmodics;
- to observe the regime and to organize a healthy sleep;
- revise the food for potency in men is particularly important, it is the most simple app to return sexual activity.

Best products for potency
There are the following best products:
- Chocolate is a dietary theobromine and phenylethylamine in its composition increase the libido. Good to eat dark bitter chocolate W 65% cocoa and above. Fillers (especially the coffee) is better ignored, leaving exceptionally nuts.
- Quail eggs – increase sexual desire due to the content of phosphorus, iron and amino acids. Good to eat them raw, Yes four pieces a day.
- Chicken eggs – poorer composition compared to quail, but are more readily available for supply. The combination of fried eggs with onions, black pepper improves the potency of men. Eating raw is not recommended.
- Ambrosia – a wonderful product of beekeeping, is treated with bee pollen. It is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, enhances secretion of testosterone and the proper level. Daily rate up to 10 t, with caution eat pollen intolerance to honey, or Allergy.
We already know that good for potency men of the products. It remains to blend recipes and dishes that need to be taken to enhance libido:
- The combination of honey and nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Suitable flower honey, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower. The latter can germinate. Mix equal parts of the products, add the prunes, eat within 2-3 hours of sleep. This has a positive effect on male potency.
- Boiled mackerel, broth from crayfish, boiled or baked seafood. These dishes from good is in e onion sauce: sauté half rings, season with chopped parsley, celery, lemon juice and tomatoes. Briefly saute and serve.
- Stewed or roasted tomatoes W garlic and olive oil. Dish increases the potency well, because it contains only beneficial for men's products.
- Dates with almonds, coconut plates. After half an hour give a pronounced effect, increase erection, boost sexual desire of men.
A rating of useful for potency products
Among the large variety of such products the most effective are the seafood, fish, vegetables (especially rap). Still it is proven that cicurina (black stomach) has a positive effect on potency. Tellingly, not only the right products, but their app use, and therefore the information provided below will be useful to many.
The first place. Cicurina
Let's start with the fact that the stomach of the camel is considered the best product for the restoration of male power. That's just for the body he's absolutely harmless. But the only drawback of secuieni phenomenon is that you can get this product very difficult.
What is it? In fact, this common black stomach, only dried in a special way. The tool was adopted (enough for 3 g is about like a pea) in 30 minutes Yes sexual intercourse or directly before it, and the effect is almost immediately.
Another place. Oysters
Phenomena are an aphrodisiac because it is also able to stimulate virility. The fact that shellfish contains a lot of organic zinc and certain amino acids – they increase the production of testosterone, increase the amount of semen. Moreover, oysters have dopamine which increases libido. It is proved that zinc and other elements in clams more in the spring an hour, t.. Zn. during the period of active reproduction. Words, in our case, it is preferable to use oysters that were harvested in the spring.
Due to the heat treatment, a large part of nutrients is lost, so the product is preferable to eat raw. For better taste you can use lemon juice – sprinkle them shellfish before eating.
With regard to contraindications, in this case such phenomena are:
- diabetes;
- a weakened immune system;
- low acidity;
- liver disease;
- reception of antatsidov, corticosteroids.
As a more secure alternative is to take a bath, filled about 1/3 of the clams, bathed in hot water. If you lie in a tub for at least an hour, the sexual function improving. And 5 treatments can cure the hell of impotence.
Third place. Flounder
It is very tasty and useful, positively affects the work of the penis. In this fish a lot of balanced protein that is well absorbed by the body because of small amount of connective tissue. The fish has to be completely retained all of its properties, to prepare it in a few (as an option – you can boil, stew). After bringing Yes of preparedness you need to stop the heat treatment.
The fourth place. Mackerel, boiled
Contains many fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 that are involved in the biological synthesis of testosterone, and therefore has a positive impact on sexuality, and both men and women. If you often eat boiled mackerel, it will increase the potency and increases the production of sperm.
Fifth place. Turnip
It contains a lot of nutrients that strengthen the body in General and potency in particular, increasing the production of testosterone. Improve erections seeds of turnips, the same effect may boiled vegetables and added dishes with the meat.
There is also a special medical formula that is easy to cook: cook the big turnip in 0, 5 l of cow's milk, then grate and mix s it. To enhance the therapeutic effect, I can add 100 g of honey. This means you need to take 50 g 4 times a day.
What other products can be useful?
There are many other products that enhance the potency. If include in the diet of anything that presented below, you will be able to get a hell of an erection without the use of pharmaceutical means.
The product is high in energy density, activates the production of thyroxine, which in turn supports the excitability of the nervous centres. Meat a lot of nutrients and vitamins, and therefore it necessarily and use in case of problems with erection.
The most useful meat for potency:
- horse;
- chicken;
- beef;
- rabbit;
- lamb;
- frog legs.
If we talk about more exotic members of this group, then Yes, these include roosters, scallops, meat thrushes, pheasants, and bull/lamb testicles, fried with onions.
Ideally, all meats should be stewed or steamed. There is a need in the herbs or vegetables, but not potatoes. However, if you eat too much meat, you can get the opposite effect: every effort will be spent on digestion, which significantly reduced sexual activity.
Berries, fruits
These include bananas, grapes, raspberries, mango and other similar products. They help to increase libido both in fresh and in dried form, and provide the body with essential energy. Improving the functionality of the endocrine system, including sex hormone production.
They have a lot of magnesium, zinc, vitamins b and E – g Zn. substances that have a beneficial effect on erection. To improve the latter you can use different nuts – walnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.

To get the most products should be consumed raw. Will be even better if we combine several types of nuts and combine them with honey. Also note that the most effective are cedar and nutmeg.
Represents the pollen (it already consists of male germ cells), in particular processed by the bees. In Perge a lot of protein, which is a normal sex life. For good potency need reserves of energy, which can also be obtained from pollen. She boosts testosterone, improves blood flow to the penis. Words, the product is comprehensive.
To increase the potency, every day should eat at least 10 grams of pollen. If you have impotence, the product quantity can be increased after consulting with a doctor.
Used as a main dish or side dish and products described above. For potency is better suited:
- onion (all types);
- garlic;
- cabbage;
- pepper;
- carrots;
- asparagus;
- radishes;
- celery.

These vegetables a lot of nutrients that enhance libido and increase potency. You can eat them as boiled, and raw.
Chicken eggs
The composition is a little poorer, and eating raw is fraught with certain infections. But if you eat them, observing all the rules of hygiene, this has a positive impact on the health of the reproductive system.
In dark chocolate a lot of theobromine (the effect is similar to that of caffeine) and phenylethylamine (enhances libido, provokes a feeling of love). In addition, it contains antioxidants that improve mood. Preference should be given to that is dark chocolate, which contains minimum 65% cocoa, and to use it only in small quantities. But the products with fillers are not suitable (except that s nuts).
Quail eggs
If you eat them every day, you can boost libido, as well as for small amount of time (about 60 minutes) to experience multiple orgasms. This is possible due to the fact that eggs rich in iron, phosphorus and amino acids. They can drink raw if they are fresh, it will not cause any diseases (temperature whole quail can reach 40 degrees and in such conditions all harmful microorganisms are killed).
Drinks that increase the potency
The constant use of the drinks listed below will help to resolve the problem with erections and strengthen the body as a whole.
- Fresh juices. The undisputed leader is pomegranate juice, which contains nitrogen (promotes relaxation of the circulatory system) and improves blood circulation. Copes with sexual problems juice from the pumpkin, rich in zinc. Watermelon juice promotes vasodilation, which positively affects potency. This also includes juices of all fruits/vegetables that are high in vitamin E. Remember that juices should be freshly squeezed, not store-bought!
- Ginger tea. Rich in amino acids, vitamins A, b, C, minerals, and therefore contributes to the thinning of the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulates brain activity and removes toxins.
What about products which can harm the potency?
Individual products may lead to the masculine malaise, decrease in sexual activity. It is obvious that the diet these products, it is desirable to eliminate or at least reduce Yes minimum number of them. Everything that adversely affects the potency, it is impossible to list, therefore, will focus only on main points.
Table. What can hurt potency.
Name | Brief description |
Smoked | Due to the presence of a special smoke fluid can cause toxic lesions of the testicles – the main "producer" of testosterone. |
Cilantro | If you eat it slowly, it is possible to improve men's health, but the effect of ad excessive use will be diametrically opposed. |
Alcohol | Harm to the testes, reduces testosterone production. A particularly dangerous phenomenon is the beer, because in it, except the alcohol, are also phytoestrogens. |
Caffeinated beverages | Caffeine eliminates free testosterone, so recommended daily to drink more than one Cup of coffee. The same applies to energy drinks – they only create the illusion of a lift, in reality, harm the blood vessels and heart load. |
Soda | They have a lot of sugar and so-called amplifiers of thirst and lead to dehydration. |
Products that have a lot of harmful cholesterol | It's pizza, chips, other fast food, sausages, mayonnaise and all fried in oil. |
The oil from flax/soy/corn | All of these oils reducing the production of testosterone. Daily intake should be no more than 6 art. L. |
Soy | It is also high in phytoestrogens, the effect of which is the opposite of testosterone. Do not use soy as a meat substitute, otherwise you can provoke a jump in sexual function. |
White bread yeast | It can also harm sexual health. |
Fat milk | Such milk has estrogen – it excessively hurts male sexual health. Maximum daily rate – 1 litre |
In the end, note that, in addition to men's solvency may be adversely affected by the excess salt, sugar and other substances in which a person needs on a daily basis.